Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Year's Resolutions for Your Lab. It's Not Too Late!!

So, I realize I am chiming in a bit late here, but hey as they say, "Better late than never." Besides, it's been nearly a month since you made your New Year's Resolutions, so just think of this as a handy little check in to see how you are measuring up.

Well, maybe you've decided to punt your resolutions, but how about making a few for your dog??? Do you know that if you Google "New Year's Resolutions for Your Pets" that pages and pages of articles and suggestions come up??? Well, I've combed through many of these wonderful ideas and have come up with what I think is the All Around Best Labrador New Year's Resolutions of 2011 Even If It's A Bit Late List. So here goes:

1) Exercise - I saw a t-shirt once that said, "Life is short, play with your dog." No better advice can be followed. This one will actually do you and your Lab a lot of good. We all know the health implications of a dog that is overweight. But in case you've forgotten, let me remind you. Overweight dogs exhibit arthritis and other orthopedic issues, increased chances of diabetes and cancers, and respiratory and heart problems. This all means more frequent visits to the vet, more drugs and supplements prescribed for your dog and more dollars out of your wallet. And the one thing that should scare you the most about an overweight dog....a shortened life span. If you think your dog is overweight, schedule a visit to your vet, decide on a proper nutrition program and implement a vet recommended exercise program. This is the single most important thing you can do for your dog in 2011!!

2) Good Nutrition - Does your dogs haircoat look scruffy? Are you tired of picking up mounds and mounds of pooh from the backyard? Does it seem that every time you turn around, your dog is out of food? Then maybe it's time to look into a change of diet. Not only will your dog benefit from a healthier diet, you may find you actually save money by buying higher priced food. Sound crazy? Well, the high quality foods typically require you to feed less to maintain the same weight in your pet. That's because cheaper foods have an abundance of fillers and other added ingredients in them to help keep the cost of the food down. With higher quality ingredients, your dog doesn't need as much to get the calories he/she needs. So now for a little math, less food in, means less pooh out....Make sense? Your veterinarian can recommend a good food for your dog, or stop in to your local pet store. They have a variety of different foods you can choose from and knowledgeable staff that can help you pick the one that is best for you.

3) Health Check-Up - So, you can meet resolutions one and two with just a simple visit to the vet. Your vet can evaluate your pet's weight and recommend a good diet for your pet. In the meantime, you can also have the rest of your dog checked out. Talk to your vet about your lifestyle and the vaccines that are necessary for your dog. Have your vet determine whether your dog is showing signs of arthritis or if there is an underlying orthopedic issue going on. Lots of "old dog" problems can be resolved with daily dose of an anti-inflammatory allowing your senior dog to stay active and feel better.

Also, take the time to listen to what your vet has to say about your pet's teeth. If you'd never been to the dentist, I am quite sure that your teeth would need a good scrubbing. Just remember that the tartar and bacteria that collect in your pet's mouth is swallowed each time he eats and drinks. Over time, this bacteria can start to affect your dog's other organs as well. Also, broken teeth can cause abscesses that may make your dog very sick, not to mention the pain of a broken tooth can be excruciating.

Also, a good idea for Labs over the age of 5 is an across the board blood panel. This can alert you and your vet to problems with your dog before they become life threatening. Diseases like hypothyroidism and diabetes can be easily treated once they are identified.

Yes, I am aware that what I am suggesting is expensive. So think about setting up a savings account where you put a little money away each month in preparation for your dogs annual check up. I promise you, it will be money well spent.

4) Training - Make this year the year that you get rid of the one (or two) bad behaviors that keep you from having the World's Most Perfect Labrador. Check into a group training class or have a personal trainer come out and help your train those bad habits out of your dog. Then practice, practice, practice!! Once you can profess to all you know that you have "the truly perfect dog", it'll be worth all the money and practice.

And hey, if you already have the Truly Perfect Labrador, maybe it's time to show him off. Look into training him to become a therapy dog. There are also community programs for elementary schools, hospitals and elder care facilities. Now, we're talking about a, your dog and the community!!

5) Love and Attention - here's an easy one that won't be hard to maintain at all....Make time for your dog. I don't mean brushing her while you watch American Idol, or petting her with one hand while you text your best friend with the other. I mean take her for a walk, get outside and throw the ball. Try to do this for 20 minutes every day. Spend a lazy Sunday morning having a love-in with your dog. Put on some relaxing music, lay down on the floor and rub your dog from head to toe. Don't use this time to trim her nails or clean her ears. Spend this time just petting and rubbing and touching and talking and loving her without interruption.

So, here is 5 to start. Choose one or two and make a real effort to stick with it. It's amazing how doing things for your dog can lift your spirits. It takes so little to make them happy, so start resolutin' for your dog today!!

1 comment:

  1. Last year, the only New Year's resolution I kept was getting Boudreaux his Canine Good Citizen award.

    Thanks also for mentioning something about feeding a high quality diet! Oftentimes, behavior problems are drastically improved by feeding a premium food...speaking from experience!!
