Sunday, December 20, 2009

HOTLR and Barnes and Noble Team Up for the Holidays!!

So here we are, T-minus 5 your holiday shopping done? Well, if not, here is a last minute idea for you. How about heading to the nearest Barnes and Noble. Chances are not only will you be able to find a gift for everyone left on your Christmas list, but you'll probably run into a HOTLR Lab or two as well.

For the past few years, Barnes and Noble has been kind enough to invite HOTLR to participate in the charity gift wrapping event. Several of the stores in the Austin area have HOTLR dogs and people volunteer to wrap your Christmas presents. In the meantime, you get to watch someone else figure out how much paper you really need to wrap that book, watch someone else trim the edges when they figure out they have too much paper and watch someone else fold, crease and crinkle trying to get that book adequately covered. All the while, you stand back and chat with other Lab lovers or volunteers with a big smile on your face getting a dose of Labrador love from the participating Labassadors for good measure. How relaxing can gift giving get?

So come on and join us. Stop in and say "hi" and even if you don't have any presents for wrapping, be sure to stop by for a chat and a Labrador pat. There are always volunteers available to answer your questions about HOTLR or get you signed up to become a foster or a volunteer yourself. Listed below are the dates and locations where you can see us:

Barnes and Noble Brodie Lane location:
December20, 2009 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
December22, 2009 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Barnes and Noble La Frontera, Round Rock location:
December 20, 2009 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
December 21, 2009 6:00 PM
- 11:00 PM
December 22, 2009 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
December 23, 2009 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM
December 24, 2009 9:00 AM - 1:00PM

Barnes and Noble Westlake location:
December 20, 2009 2:00 PM - 6:00PM
December 21, 2009 5:00 PM - 10:00PM

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